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.Thursday, March 24, 2011 ' 6:09 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted


Not bothering me as much as b4 alrdy (:


Everyone. Still not feeling excited about PSLE year -.-


We texting each other lesser lesser ): Communicating lesser and lesser ): Seeing each other lesser and lesser. I got my things to do. Really Busy recently. Thats why I dun even blog once a week. But can she understand why I ain't texting her? Or SHE juz thinks that Im ignoring her smses and neglecting her? ):


Friendship last. We laugh together.(Seems like more with HER) Play together(More....) Joke together(More...) Care about each other more.(dun think so (: )


Doesnt change in decades. Still that attitude. Either EMO or else FUN. SIAN. MY FRI+ENDS


GETTING bored of all these scheldues. Trying to make some changes... Oh.... C'mon! I HATE ROUTINE LIFESTYLE! I WAN A COMPLICATED LIFESTYLE MAN!

.Saturday, March 12, 2011 ' 3:29 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

To The Childrenss

Come ON ALL CHILDRENS!! ITS THE MARCH HOLIDEH!!! Shouldn't we be enjoying them? Why is it that so many people have sadd faces? Examm markss? Relax! I've askedd other schools pupils. I can concludee tht ths yearr's paper is hard! Many people drop theirr Math marks by 10+++++++ marks... Dun get too dissapointedd. Well, I'm not trying to say tht u dun hav to work hardd. But I can say... This yearrs paper is difficultt. I've deproved 18 Marks for my Math... I scored 55/100. C'mon man... Lets PARTY the MARCH HOLIDEHHS!!!!


The REASON! I've not blogg for so long is because... Nurul is refraining me from bloggingg... Afraid that i wouldd mentionn her in the blogg. And the other reason is... I've no time.... Anyways... Today after my NAFA(Nanyang Acedemy Of Fine Arts) Art lesson, I went home and started facebooking.... I saw Yeong Yu online and I chellenged him to Blackshot 1 ON 1. I played with him without warming up.... And tht I hitted my "funny bone" with a car door and my left arm could barely movee. I played and scored 18-20. I won... Well... Handicapped though... But I won... I, a little warmed up, played with him a riffle match... scoring 10-20. Winning again.... Pistol and Melee match... PWNED! He left after I had a chat with him.... Till now as Im blogging... my elbow hurts. (:


.Friday, March 4, 2011 ' 4:28 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

Well.... I'm realleh not feeling tht good todae.... -.- REALLEH REALLEH NOT GOOD!!!!


Still cannot believe tht I'm asking her to call me "DAD" LOLS... Well wads the big deal -.- Juz a family tree -.- Told me to return her THE DIARY OF AMOS LEE today... But i told her I'll return later... As i felt relleh sickk.... i vomitted over and over and over and over again, My Chinese teacher told me to go home... So I was like "BYE!!!! I return your book on MONDEH!!!!" And obviously I'm only gonna return it to her when I am quite done wif getting her angry and me.. and "finish" readingg the bookk. LOLS!

Chelsea Lim Blocks My Way Again

Today during Recess, Adriel told me abt him going to J8(My favourite shoppingg mall) wif Chelsea and some other peopohh... So I ask Chelsea whether I could go too.. But the first thingg that came out of her mouthh was "Congratulations (:" And i was like.... WOA...-.- For???? And she saidd "your facebookk (: relationshipp wiff" thn i was like... "WOA.. okeh? thn i "shook" her hand... LOLS -.-


Well, obviously.... I looked at the time..... 5...4....3...2....1....0.... 12.30!!!!!! And i sent her a message... And I had quite a happy time talkingg to herr....


Today when he came home, can tell he wasn't very happwi... Then I was trailing some1 for my clan(14thStop) and after that... I let him play... Can realleh tell that he was dam f***edd up today.... He kept dieing in blackshot(blind peopoh also can tell he off-form and was fed-up) And then he slammed the Earphone on MY keyboard.... MY!!!!! And I was like.... WT*.... He walked away... I ignored... And played my games...

Terence(swimming coach)

Today had a realleh tough training on butterfly stokes.... pffffft... My bwather had long distance free style more thn 1km b4 his class ended(he's not in the same class as me) My bwather class started and ended 30 mins b4 mine.... So after tht... I "raced"him... obviously... though he was somehow exhausted,I lost. After my swimming class. My aunt(father sister) came to fetch me home. Then Terence was like... "Hey Chihiro mummy. I want to tell you tht Chihiro had been deproving. And i think the MAIN reason is him(WHAT!!! ME AGAIN?!!?!??!!??!?!) Then my aunt wasn't very happy wif me alrdy... (My aunt is realleh nice though)

.Wednesday, March 2, 2011 ' 10:31 PM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

Felt like decades since i wrote on my blog.... ~~~BRINGING IT BAK TO LIFE NOW~~~

T0dae was a dam dumb day... First thing was tht i found out my marks dropped...

2nd was i got Nurul as my daughter....

3rd is tht im bak to BLOGGER!


Now lets get bak to the old me....
Wait... Not the old me
Not the love-sick one
Lets have some fun!!!!!


Todae.... Nurul Amelicia, was a total idiot in school.... Right now, as i am blogging... She's screaming at the top of her lungs and doing wadeva she can think of, to stop me from mentioning her name in my blogg. She is doing so now..... And she ask me to forget about mentioning her in tthe blog... I told her i wld not stop until she writes something on my CBox...


Looks like i got some1 mad... I teased cheryl bobo lim till she is mad at me now.... I told her to accept it... She juz sent me a messages that says, why i tease her so far... awww man....


Adriel is a total disaster todae... his gonna get it from me TOMOLO!!! I told him to get as much fun as possible todae as he might not be able to do it anymore....AFTER TODAE


Lim Bong is realleh wierd todae... she treats my dam good and i feel so wierd.... I wonder if something hit her brain REALLEH hard till she is suffering from brain concusion... She is also a total idiot in school todae juz like Nurul.

Mun Kit

Juz cannot accept the fact tht some1 likes her... As she does not like tht person... Todae after school... I saw the person tht likes Mun Kit. I told him to give up as i had alrdy asked Mun Kit whether she likes him....

Nurul Again....

Nurul has been Emoing after i told her tht i mentioned her in my bloggg..... Shes so sadd now... ): She keeps saying me unfair..."You are unfair! Totally Unfair!" Thts wad she said... lols......

Nurul Again and Again...

BOO!!! haha..

SHE (:

T0dae posted on facebook tht i am in a relationship wif her(:

^^ so i am in a gd mood today. my SHE (: ^^ xD

.Wednesday, August 25, 2010 ' 5:48 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

♥I DiD A LovE TesT On FacebooK...♥
♥It SeemS LikE I LovE YoU 100% AnD ExpecT 0% In ReturN...♥
♥BuT ThE TrutH Is....♥
♥I WaN YoU To LovE Me MorE TheN I WaN To LovE You♥
♥BecausE I KnoW...♥
♥I LovE YoU♥

.Saturday, August 21, 2010 ' 12:22 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted

ThE ReasoN I Am In ThiS WorlD Is YoU...

AnD Us

AnD ThE LasT ReasoN Is To CompletE ThE DutY Of A FiliaL SoN


DeterminatioN Is LifE...

DeterminatioN Is EverythinG

Determination Is WaT I HavE...

I GoT YoU OuT Of DeterminatioN!

.Thursday, August 12, 2010 ' 1:52 AM Y
& your love is all i ever wanted





Name:Brian Tan Kah Lok
Birthday: 13th February 1999
Wishes: Get At Least All B's For All Subject



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